Winter Recreation

By Dena Nechash The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has mapped out state properties accessible for winter activities like hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and more! OutWiGo (Out We Go) is a statewide initiative encouraging everyone to improve their overall health and wellness by…

Point of Beginning

Hazel Green, WI – Grant County One of the coolest historic markers I’ve discovered is on the Illinois-Wisconsin border just south of Hazel Green, where Grant and Lafayette counties meet. The “Point of Beginning” historic marker is significant because in the 1830s-1860s all points…

Great Fall Color

By Dee Nechkash While we hoped the fall color would trickle in this year, showing itself over the first few weeks of October, most of Southwest Wisconsin has remained green in the warm, wet autumn conditions. Until now. I thought maybe it was a…

Take the Scenic Route

By Dee Nechkash Maybe you’ve seen the brown “Rustic Road” sign and didn’t quite know what it meant, or saw it and told yourself you’d give it a try some other day when you had more time. These little gems scattered all across Wisconsin…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Crawford, Grant, Richland & Vernon Counties My morning started out with a text letting my grandparents know that I was running late. I only made it 20 miles from home before I found jaw-dropping natural beauty. No surprise there. My gas tank was full…