Riding the Pecatonica State Trail

By Dena Nechkash Since I started working with the Belmont Tourism group, I’ve heard more and more about the Pecatonica State Trail, but I hadn’t spent much time on it. When I lived in Belmont several years ago, I would walk a mile or…

Winter Recreation

By Dena Nechash The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has mapped out state properties accessible for winter activities like hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and more! OutWiGo (Out We Go) is a statewide initiative encouraging everyone to improve their overall health and wellness by…

First Capitol & Wisconsin Territory 1836

Southwest Wisconsin was a political hub in the 1830s, when Wisconsin transitioned from a territory to a state. The first governor of the Wisconsin Territory (in 1836), Henry Dodge, was from nearby Mineral Point, and the first official governor of the state of Wisconsin…

Take the Scenic Route

By Dee Nechkash Maybe you’ve seen the brown “Rustic Road” sign and didn’t quite know what it meant, or saw it and told yourself you’d give it a try some other day when you had more time. These little gems scattered all across Wisconsin…

Exploring SWWI Autumn

Lafayette & Iowa Counties By Dee Nechkash Favorable autumn weather in Wisconsin never lasts long enough, which is probably why it is the most coveted season for this state! The fall colors did not disappoint this year, although they only lasted a few short…

Hike the World’s Largest ‘M’

Written by Dee Harris Located between Belmont and Platteville, near the border of Lafayette and Grant counties, you will find the World’s Largest ‘M’ on the hillside of Platte Mound, facing southwest. The ‘M’, which stands for ‘mining’, is a tribute to the rich…